Our dog died a few days ago. He was hit by a car. The suddeness of it all,
having a pet one minute and being gone the next, has been really difficult
(but ...
13 years ago
Thoughts about religion, politics, society, sports, and the weather.
Even if Tea Partiers aren’t willing to get on board [with amnesty], Zwick [Romney's 2012 Finance Director] said the GOP money men have learned their lesson: “I really believe that the donor community… now finally recognizes, and I see them only wanting to get behind a candidate that is willing to take leadership on his issue.”In other words, despite the fact that polls repeatedly show that Americans clearly don't want to keep bringing in waves of foreign migrants, the only choices our political class will offer them are a lot of new immigrants (the GOP's position) or a shit ton of new immigrants (the Democrats' position).
For the past two mornings ... all I have seen [on the news] is a repetitive story about a two year-old kid transitioning from female to male ... I think this is simply fantastic, and it has opened my eyes to realizing something about my own precious child. When my daughter was two, she told me she was Darth Vader. In my ignorance, I thought she was talking about her desired Halloween Costume that year (in April, of course… because, you know, a two year-old’s concept of time and all). However, what I realize now is that she was actually trying to tell me who she felt she really was on the inside. So, even though she’s 15 now, I am beginning the process of transDarthification (and my computer did not underline that word!). After a long search, I have finally found a doctor from Cambodia who is going to surgically remove her limbs and induce third and fourth-degree burns on the majority of her remaining body segment. I have also found an expert in the field of automobile customization who is going to help with the external, mechanical components and respirator. The last step, and most difficult, will be securing for my daughter/Sith Lord new or slightly-used Death Star. If anyone knows someone who can help with that, please let me know.Read the whole thing.
Would any gay couple really want to sully their special occasion by inviting such evil, bigoted, politically polarizing meanies (maddeningly engaged in the completely lawful expression of their views, by the way) to their event?Alas, Pericles was right. We can fight against that reality or we can accept it and act accordingly.
I don’t think so, but then the point was never to have you provide a service for them in the first place—it was to humiliate and marginalize you, scare others of your kind into silence, and deliver a side dish of state-sanctioned duress to help everyone start thinking correctly.
Confound these expectations, and refuse to read the script you’ve been handed. “Let your light so shine” as a business built on both biblical principles and personal freedom, and make the public and regulatory confrontation gay-marriage activists want end in peaceful acquiescence on your terms, not theirs.
Can activists or bureaucrats prevent you and your staff from showing up at a wedding you’ve been contracted to work with a t-shirt that says, “We donate to the National Organization for Marriage, supporters of religious liberty—”? Perhaps not yet, but if you have positioned your business honestly and sincerely in the marketplace, it will probably never come to that, anyway.
So you’re not political, or don’t want to market your business in a politically provocative way? For now, at least, you don’t have a choice to bow out of the controversy if you’re a wedding service provider with an objection to gay marriage, or a libertarian who believes in the right to decide who you want to work for. As Pericles said long ago (a truism small wedding-related businesses are increasingly realizing): “Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you.”